HIPAA Compliant Email

HIPAA Email Compliance: Send Secure And Encrypted Email With Confidence

Do you have HIPAA compliant email? Without a specially designed solution for covered entities, standard email is not in line with HIPAA security rules. Learn more about HIPAA encrypted email.

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HIPAA Compliant Email Available with
Google Workspace and Office 365

HIPAA compliance for email is the best way to ensure your patients’ private information is protected.

A secure email with HIPAA compliance will make sure your healthcare organization has encyrypted email services that protect all email communications and align with regulatory obligations. Encrypted email services allow you to send PHI knowing your HIPAA email address is fully compliant.

We offer HIPAA-compliant solutions for the most popular email services.


HIPAA Vault’s HIPAA Compliant Email for Outlook Office 365 is a user-friendly solution for secure…
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All of our HIPAA Compliant Hosting Cloud Solutions Come With:

  • True HIPAA Guarantee and Compliance
  • Fully Managed Services
  • Live 24/7 Support
  • Up-to-Date Security
  • State-of-the-Art Data Centers
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Coworkers Collaborating at a Desk with HIPAA Seal of Compliance

Why Do You Need HIPAA Compliant Email?

HIPAA-compliant email to keep patient information secure is critical for any healthcare provider. Adhering to HIPAA standards ensures that personal data remains confidential and out of the hands of unauthorized individuals. At the same time, it ensures your organization is in line with relevant regulations.

To guarantee the secure and confidential transmission of sensitive patient information, medical professionals rely on HIPAA-compliant email systems. This reduces the chances of data breaches and provides peace of mind to both patients and healthcare providers.

HIPAA-compliant email requires very specific protocols to create secure messages. This includes everything from encryption to HIPAA email disclaimers if the receiver isn’t the intended recipient. HIPAA rules are stringent. The lack of a HIPAA-compliant email strategy can result in serious penalties.

Make sure when your healthcare organization sends emails, they are HIPAA-compliant emails. Your healthcare staff and patients should have peace of mind knowing important information is safe. 

We can provide the best HIPAA-compliant email for your needs. You don’t have to worry about downtime or regulatory review with HIPAA Vault by your side. Instead, your organization can focus on taking care of patients. 

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