Trust (noun): Assured reliance on the character, ability, or truth of someone or something. – Webster’s Dictionary
Character and competence – they’re the building blocks of trust. Ultimately it’s not the strength of our reliance that matters most, but the worthiness of the object in which our trust is placed.
That means that even when you doubt, a trustworthy person or object will come through for you.
Perhaps now, more than ever, as a recent report concludes, the issue of trust is a timely one. In the wake of a devastating global pandemic, significant job losses, and general social distrust of governments and the media—many of our societal institutions are scoring low on trust.
This should be a wake-up call, the report notes, for “our institutions to embrace a new way of effectively building trust: balancing competence with ethical behavior.”
Another recent report notes, “…the top trust-building action for business is now guarding information quality, ensuring that reliable trustworthy information goes out to their employees, and, by extension, the community.”
Healthcare and Trust
That shouldn’t be a revelation, but it is a good reminder. With trust in the security of medical data also suffering – and the average healthcare data breach now costing $7.1 million – it makes sense for healthcare practices to be asking:
“Who can we trust to host and secure our sensitive data, and ensure its integrity and availability? What endpoint devices do we trust, and allow to have access to our system? Who can provide solid cloud solutions, like file-sharing and WordPress sites, with all necessary updates and patches? What if we have specific questions or concerns for our provider – can we trust someone to answer the phone?”
We think the answers are clear: trust the company known for its character and competence, with proven cybersecurity expertise and personal, dedicated service.
The good news is HIPAA Vault’s reputation has high marks on each – but don’t take it from us, listen to our customers:
‘We chose HIPAA Vault because it was one of the few companies that offered the whole package in terms of website hosting and WordPress security management. [We’re] also a non-profit, so the price for services fit within our budget limitations.’ – Healthcare Non-Profit
‘You’re totally opposite from other MSPs we’ve dealt with. It’s been a nice change that we can call and ask you questions…’ – Healthcare Provider
‘…I would recommend you to anyone looking for a world-class team of HIPAA IT support... truly mind-blowing levels of support… You guys have offered the best IT support experience I’ve ever had in my lifetime.’ – Health Services Provider
‘…you delivered outstanding work in record time…very grateful for your efforts.’ – Healthcare Technology Provider
That’s just a sample – but we hope it builds your trust, knowing that we’re true to our word and ready to serve you well.

Proven Competence
Nearly 25 years of proven IT competence is in your corner, offering fully optimized cloud solutions with HIPAA controls that have security and compliance designed in.
All of our fully managed hosted solutions, like Secure Linux and Windows, HIPAA compliant WordPress, and secure Email, were designed by cloud experts with extensive cybersecurity and HIPAA expertise.
Proven Character
HIPAA Vault’s character also comes through, from the moment of first contact. We show it through personal, dedicated service that’s committed to earning your trust, and fully managed services designed to keep your environment up and running, 24/7.
Finally, we take our commitment to you seriously, because a breach of data is a breach of trust. Why sacrifice the potential welfare and reputation of your patients and entire practice with an insecure solution that violates HIPAA?
If you have any questions on HIPAA data security or any of the services we provide, please contact us! 760-290-3460.
Trust HIPAA Vault to provide the safe communications & positive patient experiences that you expect! All our solutions are designed to protect you from costly HIPAA violations and fines, and data breaches that can ruin your business reputation. Our fully-managed security is designed to limit your liability and bring peace of mind!