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Data Security Assumptions in Healthcare
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources, Security

Data Security Assumptions in Healthcare

The problem with our assumptions, someone once noted, is that we tend to assume they’re true. (This, despite that old quip about what assuming does to you and me!) But if, as Einstein posited, most of our assumptions are wrong – why don’t we question them more?  Maybe we’re just caught in a feedback loop... Continue reading
Redundancy Re-considered: GCP, HIPAA Compliance, and Why We’re a Google Cloud Partner
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources, Security, Uncategorized

Redundancy Re-considered: GCP, HIPAA Compliance, and Why We’re a Google Cloud Partner

“Never give up, never surrender.” – Cmdr. Peter Quincy Taggart, Galaxy Quest Yes, that is how we feel about cybersecurity. Yet it’s true: redundancy can often feel superfluous, like making predictions about the future, or deja vu all over again.     But when it comes to your client’s healthcare data, redundant protections are anything but unnecessary. ... Continue reading
Dear Hacker
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources, Security

Dear Hacker

On the off-chance that you might pause from your dark and painful activities to read this, I’d like to offer you some hope. First, I imagine what you do must be exhausting. It’s a familiar adage, oft-repeated: “Spend your life looking over your shoulder, and you’ll miss what’s right in front of you.”  On the... Continue reading
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