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Why Establish a Security Culture
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Why Establish a Security Culture

Five “Security Culture” Markers to Aim for in your Organization: Cybersecurity is a top-down, strategic part of the company’s vision –Security is linked to business goals and relevant to board-level decisions You’ve determined a “data blueprint” of how data is used –Your team understands the context in which the data is created and used, and... Continue reading
Why Healthcare Has a Cyberattack Target On It…
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources

Why Healthcare Has a Cyberattack Target On It…

We’ve all heard by now that healthcare is seriously lagging in cybersecurity effectiveness. According to a recent study, healthcare ranked 15th out of 18 major U.S. industries in terms of overall cyber health. Another study indicates that in the past seven years, 2,149 breaches have occurred, amounting to 176.4 million patient records disclosed. If you’re... Continue reading
Security Breaches: Surprising Fact of Employee Snooping
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Security Breaches: Surprising Fact of Employee Snooping

Secure your healthcare information so you’re not at risk for security breaches! According to a recent privacy breach survey of healthcare providers – 70% of which admitted to having at least one security breach – 35% attributed the breach to unauthorized access by their own employees. Take note of that stat: essentially, the survey found... Continue reading
DevSecOps Mindset Promotes Better Security
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

DevSecOps Mindset Promotes Better Security

Changing a company’s security culture is hard sometimes. Consider the techy world of applications development, if you will. (Even if this doesn’t apply strictly to you, the lessons are helpful). Typically, as one network security expert points out, the old ways of bringing usable software to market involved “every man to his island.” You had an IT... Continue reading
Podcast – Is GMAIL HIPAA Compliant?
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources

Podcast – Is GMAIL HIPAA Compliant?

AK: Can I email PHI? GV: HIPAA mandates that you protect PHI (Protected Health Information) in transit, in storage, and at rest. There is a common misconception that email is a secure way to send and receive PHI. On its own, email is not a secure platform to transmit PHI. In fact, using Google’s email service,... Continue reading
The HIPAA Vault Story
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

The HIPAA Vault Story

Doug: Hello and welcome to the MSP Voice Webinar series. Today I’m pleased to be joined by Gil Vidals, from HIPAA Vault, and he’ll be talking about their HIPAA compliant cloud. So Gil, why don’t you go ahead and take it away. Gil: Alright Doug, thanks for inviting me. I’m looking forward to talking about... Continue reading
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