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HIPAA Pen Testing

Complete Penetration Testing Report For Healthcare

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Minimizing Risk through 
Penetration Testing

Conducted by security experts who “think like hackers,” HIPAA Pen Testing tests your security controls, policies, and procedures – before breaches can occur. Unlike basic, automated system scans, penetration (or pen) testing – also known as ethical hacking – serves as a real-world test of your organization’s security, validating your system’s resistance to actual vulnerabilities.

Since healthcare records contain a wealth of sensitive, personal information, regular risk assessments of your organization’s security are crucial for preventing a costly data breach. They’re also a requirement for covered entities to maintain HIPAA compliance. HIPAA Pen testing can help serve as an important validation of compliance for your organization.

Why do you need it?

Cybercrime represents an enormous risk to both patients and healthcare organizations. Penetration testing fulfills the HIPAA requirement for regular risk assessments by mirroring how a cybercriminal might penetrate an organization’s security measure, and the advantage of an objective third-party pen test report is that your IT team, as well as executives, can see their security blind spots. Your sensitive patient data can be better protected (and your security posture will be significantly improved) while saving money in potential breach costs, downtime, and remediation.

At HIPAA Vault we provide comprehensive penetration testing services through a partnering agency for healthcare organizations. By using cutting-edge technologies to conduct penetration tests, any weaknesses in networks, applications, and cloud infrastructures can be easily located. Together, we will help you set up a secure environment with the most advanced security measures, and assist in internal policy enforcement, data protection, privacy assurance, post-attack assessments, and risk management consultation.

Pen Testing Will Provide

  • A comprehensive report detailing all known vulnerabilities
  • Solutions for remediation for validation and compliance

You’ll receive a comprehensive report that details all known vulnerabilities, provides actual steps for remediation, and serves as a validation of compliance.

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