Will your Company be Impacted by GDPR?
Four years after its adoption by the European Parliament, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – a set of compliance requirements designed to give individuals greater control over their personal data in an increasingly digital economy- finally went into effect on May 25, 2018. GDPR’s overall scope is broad, impacting all personal data (ie, any... Continue reading
What’s all the Hype about Kubernetes?
What is Kubernetes, or K8s? Kubernetes, or “K8s” as it’s popularly known, comes from a Greek word meaning “pilot,” or “helmsman.” Based on the original, internal Google code used to run their search ads and apps (and geekily named after the Star Trek: Voyager Borg drone known as ‘Seven of Nine’), it purports to warp... Continue reading
Public Cloud Hosting vs Private – HIPAA Secure Hosting
Why are more and more companies migrating to the public cloud?
Phishing in the Wrong Pond
Have you heard the one about the company that decided to plan a “Phishing trip” for their employees? Back in 2016, Atlantic Health System circulated a juicy email, promising employees a raise if they would simply respond with some key verification information. The information included employee id, date of birth, and home zip code. Roughly... Continue reading