The Future of Healthcare: IoT, 5G, & Managed Security
In this final week of National Cybersecurity Awareness month, we’ll look closer at the Internet of Things (IoT) with a particular focus on what this means for cloud, HIPAA, and the future of healthcare. Two trends will be especially impactful: the rise of 5G, and the growth of managed security and cloud. Where We Are... Continue reading
Securing IoMT for Healthcare
We live in an amazing time, one in which a growing number of sophisticated, ‘Internet of Medical Things’ (IoMT) are facilitating critical treatments to improve patient health. Consider just two: difficult-to-monitor, chronic conditions like diabetes and heart failure are benefitting from “smarter” insulin pumps and pacemakers – both aided by real-time, remote monitoring and feedback... Continue reading
Week 2 of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
No doubt, 2020 has disturbed the status quo in numerous ways, impacting our work, schooling, and social gatherings – even the way we receive our healthcare. And while the pandemic has hastened a transition to increased virtualized care and telehealth, a recent analysis notes how this change was already well underway, even before Covid-19 was... Continue reading
Week 1 of National Cybersecurity Month
If You Connect It, Protect It October is National Cybersecurity Month, and ‘If you connect it, protect it’ is the theme for week #1. (With over 90% of the US population now on the internet, the theme easily might have been ‘When you connect it, protect it’). It’s an apt reminder, as cybercriminals are capitalizing on... Continue reading