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A HIPAA Compliant, Multi-Server Environment
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Hosting

A HIPAA Compliant, Multi-Server Environment

A HIPAA-compliant environment is an essential part of protecting and preserving sensitive medical data in the face of increasing malicious attacks. HIPAA Vault’s multi-layered approach to managed security maximizes the protections and updates you need to keep your servers safe – essential for business processes and patient safety. A multi-server approach segregates critical services and... Continue reading
The Future of Healthcare: IoT, 5G, & Managed Security
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

The Future of Healthcare: IoT, 5G, & Managed Security

In this final week of National Cybersecurity Awareness month, we’ll look closer at the Internet of Things (IoT) with a particular focus on what this means for cloud, HIPAA, and the future of healthcare. Two trends will be especially impactful: the rise of 5G, and the growth of managed security and cloud.  Where We Are... Continue reading
Securing IoMT for Healthcare
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Securing IoMT for Healthcare

We live in an amazing time, one in which a growing number of sophisticated, ‘Internet of Medical Things’ (IoMT) are facilitating critical treatments to improve patient health. Consider just two: difficult-to-monitor, chronic conditions like diabetes and heart failure are benefitting from “smarter” insulin pumps and pacemakers – both aided by real-time, remote monitoring and feedback... Continue reading
Week 2 of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Week 2 of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

No doubt, 2020 has disturbed the status quo in numerous ways, impacting our work, schooling, and social gatherings – even the way we receive our healthcare.  And while the pandemic has hastened a transition to increased virtualized care and telehealth, a recent analysis notes how this change was already well underway, even before Covid-19 was... Continue reading
Week 1 of National Cybersecurity Month
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Week 1 of National Cybersecurity Month

If You Connect It, Protect It October is National Cybersecurity Month, and ‘If you connect it, protect it’ is the theme for week #1. (With over 90% of the US population now on the internet, the theme easily might have been ‘When you connect it, protect it’). It’s an apt reminder, as cybercriminals are capitalizing on... Continue reading
HIPAA Certification vs Compliance – Do You Know the Difference?
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

HIPAA Certification vs Compliance – Do You Know the Difference?

So what’s really needed for HIPAA compliance? Does getting a certification guarantee adherence to HIPAA requirements? As with most questions, it helps to start by clarifying the relevant terms. Here’s the important distinction between compliance and certification: Note that these statuses cannot be used interchangeably; they each have their own separate purposes. For example, employees... Continue reading
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