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Multi-Factor Authentication for HIPAA Compliance
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Gmail, HIPAA Outlook

Multi-Factor Authentication for HIPAA Compliance

What it is, Common Objections, and Why to Insist on it Though many healthcare organizations still consider it optional, two-factor authentication – also known as multi-factor authentication (MFA) – is an indispensable part of a secure environment, and key to protecting your medical data.  “Wait,” you protest, “why would I want to add another step to my... Continue reading
G Suite is now Google Workspace
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, HIPAA Email, HIPAA Gmail, Resources

G Suite is now Google Workspace

Google’s acclaimed suite of collaboration and productivity tools – including Gmail, Drive, Docs, and Meet – recently got a makeover, and a new name: Google Workspace. Before diving into what’s new, customers of HIPAA Vault’s popular HIPAA Gmail will be glad to know they’ll be unaffected by the rebranding of G Suite to Google Workspace; we’ll still require the... Continue reading
How to Recognize Social Engineering
By Gil Vidals, , Resources

How to Recognize Social Engineering

“All warfare is based on deception… when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”   ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War “What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”  ― Sir Walter Scott This past April, hackers... Continue reading
Resisting the Latest Wave of Ransomware in Healthcare
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, Resources

Resisting the Latest Wave of Ransomware in Healthcare

What you Must Do Now It’s become the classic “Catch-22” of ransomware: you’re hit with a surprise attack – a rogue wave of ransomware – and find yourself unable to access your patient data or vital systems – “dead in the water.”   You know the consequences of not paying the ransom (though law enforcement urges you not... Continue reading
Mobile Device Management & HIPAA Compliance
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog

Mobile Device Management & HIPAA Compliance

Few technical innovations are transforming the healthcare landscape as much as mobile devices. With nearly 90% of physicians now carrying a smartphone or tablet, they’ve become almost as ubiquitous as the stethoscope. Yet when it comes to HIPAA, the difference between these two “instruments of care” could not be greater. Consider the following examples: Case 1: Back in... Continue reading
Ten Essentials to Look for in a HIPAA Compliant Hosting Company
By Gil Vidals, , HIPAA Blog, HIPAA Hosting

Ten Essentials to Look for in a HIPAA Compliant Hosting Company

Dear Healthcare Provider, Have you ever realized that a HIPAA compliant hosting company can actually facilitate at least two important aspects of your patient care?  Think about it; an effective HIPAA host promotes: Proactive care –  By providing a highly responsive environment, a HIPAA host actually enables the high data availability and timely access of patient data and critical... Continue reading
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